Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mental Note

Dear woman in the front row of class who throws temper tantrums and disrupts class daily,

You say you are attempting to get a degree in the Child-Care/Development field?
Remind me to never have Children.

K. Thanks.

Monday, January 30, 2012

What is Wrong with this Dialogue?

Professor:  "What was invented in the late 1400's?"
Student 1: "The light bulb!"
Student 2: "Trains?"
Student 3: "Car."
Me: "...................."

(once again, this sh*t really happened)

The correct answer is: The Printing Press.
1. Light bulb = 1900's
2. Trains = 1800's
3. Car = 1900's


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Letter to The Obstruction of My View

Dear Madam and/or Sir,
whichever the case may be,

Please put down the candy bar and walk away.
You already do not fit in your chair.

Thank you.

A horrified bystander.